Blendjet Product Recall! | details

Blendjet Recall! | details

Blendjet Product Recall! | details

Blendjet Product Recall! | details

Blendjet Product Recall! | details

Blendjet Product Recall! | details

new in a.p.c. x jjjjound collab!

new in a.p.c. x jjjjound collab!

new in a.p.c. x jjjjound collab! | limited time free shipping

new in a.p.c. x jjjjound collab!

new in a.p.c. x jjjjound collab!

new in a.p.c. x jjjjound collab!


plimsoll is trending

people love our shoe walls at kapok, they drool over our best selling brands including Common Projects, Veja, Obra, to name a few… the insatiable demand has urged our buyers to search more more newness for our audience. in the spring-summer collection, we have surprises for our sneaker-heads because we love bring alternative into our selections. PLIMSOLLS ! heard of them? they are basically the casual shoes with rubber soles and canvas uppers. let’s dive in and take more about it…
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